We make it easy for you. If you want to sign up for camp now, you can pay by credit card or with PayPal, or reserve your spot at camp and pay by bank transfer within 7 days.


In accordance with the provisions of Spanish Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, whenever you send any e-mails to the addresses listed on any of the pages in this website or whenever you fill out any forms containing personal data such as the one included herein, you hereby declare that you are in agreement with the terms and conditions listed on our “Legal Notice / Data Privacy Policy” page and that you have read and accept these terms.


A full refund of fees (with the exception of a 25 Euro fee to cover administration costs) will be given to campers who withdraw from camp for any reason, provided written notice is given by e-mail to prior to May 15th 2019. Refunds will not be provided to campers who notify the camp of their decision not to attend after that date.

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